Francisca Blázquez: Dimensionalism, Magic, lllumination, Fantastic Space Geometry

From 29 april to 9 may 2019

A multidisciplinar and interdisciplinar artist devoted to sculpture, installations, photography, jewellery-design, engraving, as well as the creator of and digitai art cartoons, Francisca Blázquez is, above ali, a painter, whose output can be defined Dimensionalist, after the name of the theory she herself invented in 1998. Dimensionalism is a journey through space and time to represent different visible and invisibledimensions: the angelic, ethereal, astral, illuminated and spiritual ones, as well as those of quantumphysics, water and love. Her magie, extraordinary geometrie shapes seem to be fluctuating in the air; intense and contrasting colors inflame her daring compositions where a spiritual, cosmic and spatial framework-belonging as well to the same nature of this and other worlds' gods- encloses crystallographies, water stars, rays of light, advanced universal and spatial illumination structures.

Ioan Lluís Montané IAAC (lntcrnational Association of Art Critics)
